TLKP: Chapter 29 [unedited]

Chapter 29: Just The Two of Us

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The Lion King moved cautiously toward the window after seeing a bed decorated with red beads, golden lace, and bells that made a tinkling sound. It was a gorgeous decadent bed. He walked as far away as possible, avoiding touching the bed.

“It’s alright. It’s just a bed.”

“It’s obscene.”

“At least, it’s not dangerous.” Adeline threw herself on the bed as if showing off. The bed looked the worst in her eyes, but it was soft and smelled nice. 


He sat down by the window and called to her. 

Adeline suddenly realized that he was skillful at naturally calling other’s first names. People usually would use the word princess or royal princess, but this man stubbornly called her by her name from the beginning. 

He said, “You need a trustworthy ally.”

“I know.”

“The palace is spacious.” There was a hesitation in his words.

Adeline lay down on the bed while looking at his face. The lewd bed lamp reflected in his green eyes. 

“So you want to fill my palace?”

“If you allow it.”

In Adeline’s heart, she also wanted that. If the Lion Ling entered her palace, the horrible assassination attacks would end. And the emperor might be greatly pleased and would call her his dearest daughter in the world. This gave her goosebumps just to think about it, but she was sure it would happen if he stayed in her palace.



“My value would be the highest when I am in the middle of being the princess of Marma and the lover of the Lion King.”

His face hardened, but he didn’t contradict what she said. He looked blank for a moment, then striding towards her. “You want to be my lover?”

“Well, you agreed to do that. At least on the surface.”

“Does that mean you’ll trust me?”

Adeline couldn’t answer that question. Because this was a deep issue rooted in her that she couldn’t yet resolve. She knew the Lion King saved her danger twice. If her life were just like ordinary people, she would have trusted him enough to entrust her life to him. Maybe she would even swear that she would return his favor and do whatever he asked. 

However, she is Adeline Vita. She is a tree branch that is burned and twisted. She has been blacked, scorched. She is a human being with nothing left but ashes. She has already experienced too much betrayal to trust and rely on someone. 

“All the gypsies are brought in from the South.”

She suddenly brought up another topic. 

The Lion King lowered his blue eyes and sat back on a chair. 

“I know.”

“Nobles do not directly engage in human trafficking. There are people who take care of that kind of work for them. My plan is simple. We’ll rescue the gypsy and then get information from her in return.” Read the translation only on

“You mean the information about the human traffickers?”

“If there is nothing that makes the plan change, it is just that. We have to figure out the real owner of the auction house. It would be great if we could make sure that the gypsies of your land are no longer sold as slaves after we could get our hands on the Powerful noble of the South.”

“The kidnapped gypsy knows that information.”

“Ordo was sure of that”

If everything goes according to the plan, the two will become the best partners. 

After a while, Adeline called the manager and threw a heavy bag of gold coins into his arm. Then she ordered that no one be allowed to go into this room until tomorrow morning.

“I want to be alone with you.” She was lying on the bed and hugging the Lion King’s chest. 

Both had taken off their tops. However, even though she exposed her entire upper body, she still had a thin blanket wrapped around her body, and because the Lion King put his arms around her shoulders, she was covered by the Lion King. So it was okay. And she is the Adeline. 

The manager was an experienced man. He measured the weight of the bag and smiled with satisfaction. 

“You’ll stop anyone who tries to get in here, won’t you? I finally returned to my hometown after 11 years, then I should be able to enjoy this level of luxury. Don’t you think so?” She asked.

The manager bowed deeply and answered. “Our hotel has never refused a guest’s legitimate request. We will take strict care to ensure that no one would reach this place until we are called.” Read the translation only on

Adeline got up and deliberately sat on the top of the Lion King’s stomach. 

His face scrunched up as he felt her weight. 

She quickly covered his face with her hair, then gestured lightly towards the manager.

“Get out. Don’t disturb.”

“I understand. Please…have a good time.”

It would be nice if those words were not spoken. 

Adeline smiled with her head down until the manager closed the door and left.


As soon as the manager walked away, the Lion King pushed her away with force. 

Adeline lay down on the soft bed and smiled at him. “Doens’t the great warriors of the desert have many wives? I heard that when you are the king, you could even have thirty wives. So why are so awkward?”

“I don’t have a wife.”

“Yes, wife… what?”

“You’re saying word things. Why should the king have multiple wives?”

“What? Well… everyone says that.”

“One is enough. Just imagining having multiple wives alone is horrible.” 

He quickly put on the shirt he had taken off. Read the translation only on

She tilted her head for a moment, then also quickly picked up her clothes and put them on.


Check out my Patreon to read the advanced chapters!

TLKP : Chapter 30

MLW: Chapter 232

Chapter 28 | Chapter 30

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