MLW: Chapter 194 [unedited]

Chapter 194: Fiona (1)

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Anyway, I couldn’t leave my room for a while. At least until the wound heals. I had no choice but to spend some time scribbling down words on paper to organize the current situation. It was the first time in a long time that I was alone with my thoughts.

Fiona (Darkness), Crown Prince, Bill Curtis, Carl, Sigren. 

First, the Crown Prince knew my identity. I guessed that it was Fiona or Bill who told him. 

Then what did Fiona the Darkness really want? She had taken my memories for her first move. Honestly, I expected a more dangerous situation, like having my body taken away. Was she just wanting to take something precious from me? Put me in a psychologically painful situation and then kill me? This too was a plausible hypothesis. In fact, just looking at her cooperating with the Crown Prince and Bill Curtis already made my situation difficult. And of course, I could see that it would become more difficult in the future. 

What should I do with Carl? This was a really big problem. Carl was subconsciously so driven by his desire for revenge that he stabbed the person responsible for his mother’s death as soon as he learned about it. Despite his polite, angelic appearance, he was a mess on the inside. 

I wondered what would have happened if I had denied it at that time, would it have been better? But quickly I knew the answer. It would not be better. I would just keep lying. A sickening lie, a bigger lie, a disgusting lie. I would lie again and again to avoid the moment. It was clear that such actions would not lead me, Sigren, or Carl’s life in the right direction. I wanted to build a healthy and solid relationship with Sigren, not deceive him.

“I still have to meet Sigren.”

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see her. He must have been hurt, and it bothered me. I had to talk to him. In the end, my number one priority for me was Sigren. 

…but, sadly, he never came to visit. 

I didn’t know if he heard that I woke up. 

I guess, it should be me who came to him, not him visiting me. 

As soon as I finally heard from the doctor that I could move, I told the maid. 

“Prepare the carriage.”


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Sigren had heard that Fiona woke up. 

He was lost in his thoughts while slowly fiddling the ring in his hand. He wanted to see her. But in some way, he couldn’t 

When he first heard Enoch’s words, he thought it was all a lie. Until he saw Fiona’s reaction. At that moment, finally, the puzzle pieces of the whole situation came together. Fiona’s dedicated and sacrificial attitude that she has shown ever since he first met her. The reason Fiona lost her memory was because she tried to protect everyone.

“Who on earth she tried to protect…”

It was she who always took the biggest risk in the end. 

“Your Highness, is Your Highness there?”

The familiar voice was heard from outside. 


Sigren whispered her name.

“He’s here, right?”

“My lady, I’m confused whether I should kick you out for trespassing….”

“If the door breaks, leave it in front of Heilon Mansion.”

“NO, I don’t think that’s the problem! Rather than that, you think I’m going to let you destroyed the door when I am, the palace knight, still here?”

Sigren had a rough idea of the situation outside. He stood up and pulled the doorknob.

When the door suddenly opened, Fiona widened her eyes in surprise. 

Those eyes that looked at him were filled with a variety of emotions. Surprised, worried, embarrassed, fearful… although she was acting confidently, Sigren could see that she was scared. About his attitude that he would show in the future to the conversation they would have.

Sigren treated her as usual as best he could.

“Come in, Fiona.”

Kane Erez quietly retreated, and Fiona slowly entered the room.

“Take a seat. You’re hurt.”


She answered softly and sat down in the chair.

“Sigren, it’s a bit late and awkward to come in first and then say this, but do you want to talk to me?”

“If I don’t wan to, I wouldn’t have opened the door.”

“….are you…angry?”

Sigren shook his head lightly at Fiona’s cautious question. 

“I don’t know. But I’m confused.” He rolled the ring in his palm. “Fiona, we’ve known each other for quite some time.”

“That’s right.”

“So I thought I knew you well, but now it seems like I didn’t. And, it occurred to me that the feelings you have shown so far may have been planned.”

Fiona was friendly from the first time they met, now that he thought about it, the reason may be that simple. Because she really knew him well. Since you know a lot about the other person, it would have been easy to become friends with them.

Fiona nodded her head. She understood what he implied to some extent. If they switched their position, she also would think that way. If someone told you that they knew everything about your life before meeting you and that you became closer because of that, any sane person would think like that. Was it all planned? And, even the fact that someone knew someone’s whole life in the first place was creepy.

Fiona nailed what she wanted to say, “My attitude towards you when I was young is sincere. It’s not acting. I really thought I should become a good friend of you.”

“Why?” Sigren slowly sat down on the chair across from Fiona. Even in this situation, even after a long time they knew each other, he still found her face lovely. Her round forehead, her pale trembling cheeks, her blinking lashes everything. 

“Fiona, tell me. What did you think of me when you first met me?” 

What Enoch said to him didn’t matter. He wanted to hear it from herself. 

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