MLW: Chapter 195 [unedited]

Chapter 195: Fiona (1)

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

Fiona closed her eyes tightly for a moment, then opened her mouth, “I thought you were pitiful. I felt sympathy. I was also sorry. I felt guilty. So, I decided that I have to do my best to make you happy.”

Sigren laughed briefly. At the same time, he was relieved. So it was sincere. She wanted to make him happy. He felt like he was getting a marriage proposal.

“I promised myself to be your best friend, and your support in this world.”

“Even now? Is it simply best friend?”

She quickly denied it. “No, of course not now. Why did I agree to have an engagement with you if I still thought myself as your best friend?”

Fiona seemed embarrassed after saying that. She pursed her lips for a moment.

“Ha… what am I even talking about.. Sigren, I think the conversation order is a bit messed up. Okay, so firstly, do you believe what the Crown Prince said? It must be crazy thinking about it.”

“I believe what you’ve admitted.”

“But from your point of view, there must be a lot of things that you don’t understand.”

“I could understand it step by step from now on.”

That was a very clear answer. 

Fiona was confused as to why Sigren was more relaxed than herself. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? She was taken aback because Sigren’s reaction was completely different from what she expected. She thought he was going to be super angry. 

As if he sensed what she thought, Sigren said, “Fiona, if you want to say something, just say it.”

Immediately, she voiced her doubts while looking at Sigrenn. “Aren’t you angry? I actually have been prepared to get dumped by you today.”

“I tell you in advance. You dumped me.” 

Sigren quietly showed the ring that was rolling on the palm of his hand.

Only then did Fiona respond in a daze. “Oh… of course, there were times like that. I thought you would want to cut off all ties.”

“I don’t say that.”



When Fiona heard the answer, her shoulders, which had been stiff by tension, were loosened. She covered her face with her palms, relieved.

“I thought you are going to blame me. Like Carl.”

Her face could not be seen because it was covered by her hands. 

In the end, Sigren came down from his chair and bent one knee on the floor in front of Fiona. He listened silently to her words coming from behind her palms.

“It’s no one else but me who made all your life like that, even the worst thing happened in your life.”

Sigren wondered, why Fiona was so honest. She could lie to him in moderation. Because he would still get over it in the end. 

“Are you really meant that?”

“No, not at all. I  didn’t mean to do those things. But I thought you would be so angry when you found out the whole truth. It sounds dumb but…”

“That’s why you came to save me.”


“You came to save me.” Sigren smiled like a boy. “Like a brave knight in a fairy tale.”

While Fiona was distracted by that smile for a moment, Sigren pulled her palms and lightly kissed them. 

“You give me misfortune, but also a lot of happiness.”

“I think I’ve heard something similar to that before…”

It was the dragon’s words. 

No, no. That is not the problem. Is Sigren really okay?’

Instead of Fiona, who was embarrassed by the confusion, it was who Sigren cleared up the situation. 

“You didn’t mean to do those things, you didn’t know I’d truly live this life. But when you saw me, you tried your best to take responsibility. Perhaps to the point that you value me more than your life?”

“I do.”

“Then, that’s good enough for me, Fiona.”

Sigren looked straight into her eyes. 

“Besides, what would I get by resenting you, hurting you, and pushing you away?”

Fiona swallowed her saliva while waiting for a reply.

“–Then I lose everything precious, you. There will be nothing left in life for me. I don’t want that. I want to treasure what is in front of me now.”

“….” Fiona looked puzzled, but then she smiled slowly. “I think you’re better than me. You’re right.”

Sigren caressed her cheek. He felt helpless. It was a bit ironic. He found his greatest salvation in a girl who might ruin his life. When she whispered that all her feelings were sincere, his confusion melted away like snow. As if everything he had been thinking so hard for several days was a lie. He knew it was absurd that something could be controlled by just one person. 

There were many stories to share in the future. There were many unanswered questions. Nevertheless, Sigren was strangely relieved and regained his peace. Fiona’s presence, which had always seemed distant and barely visible as if covered in layers and layers of fog, finally felt closer at this moment. Maybe because he finally knew her biggest secret that she had been keeping for a long time. And that was enough for him. 

“Fiona… Promise me one thing.”


“You won’t even leave me now.”

Sigren carefully placed the ring on Fiona’s palm.

“You saved me. So I’m asking you to fulfill your responsibility until the end. My brave knight.”

Fiona smiled slightly and nodded her head. “I’ll do my best, Your Highness.”

Sigren was relieved after hearing the answer.

His feeling for her was such a strange thing that he couldn’t understand it even if he thought about it over and over again. He knew the whole truth about her and who she was, but his feelings wouldn’t waver at all. He knew everything about her, but she was still lovely in his eyes. Whatever it was, sincere love, inertial affection, or crazy obsession, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she was back and that she was by his side again. 

At least, for now, Sigren decided to be satisfied with that.

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

T/N: I’m back. I’ve been sick for a while. I apologize.

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Chapter 194 | Chapter 196

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